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Consul Hardening for DevSecOps

Table of contents

  1. Enable TLS encryption for Consul communication
  2. Restrict access to Consul API
  3. Limit the resources allocated to Consul service
  4. Disable unnecessary HTTP APIs
  5. Enable and configure audit logging
  6. Enable and configure health checks
  7. Enable rate limiting to prevent DDoS attacks
  8. Set up backup and recovery procedures for Consul data

List of some best practices to harden Consul for DevSecOps

Enable TLS encryption for Consul communication

consul agent -config-dir=/etc/consul.d -encrypt=<encryption-key> -ca-file=/path/to/ca.crt -cert-file=/path/to/consul.crt -key-file=/path/to/consul.key

Restrict access to Consul API

consul acl bootstrap; consul acl policy create -name "secure-policy" -rules @secure-policy.hcl; consul acl token create -description "secure-token" -policy-name "secure-policy" -secret <secure-token>

Limit the resources allocated to Consul service

systemctl edit consul.service and add CPUQuota=50% and MemoryLimit=512M

Disable unnecessary HTTP APIs

consul agent -disable-http-apis=stats

Enable and configure audit logging

consul agent -config-dir=/etc/consul.d -audit-log-path=/var/log/consul_audit.log

Enable and configure health checks

consul agent -config-dir=/etc/consul.d -enable-script-checks=true -script-check-interval=10s -script-check-timeout=5s -script-check-id=<check-id> -script-check=<check-command>

Enable rate limiting to prevent DDoS attacks

consul rate-limiting enable; consul rate-limiting config set -max-burst 1000 -rate 100

Set up backup and recovery procedures for Consul data

consul snapshot save /path/to/snapshot; consul snapshot restore /path/to/snapshot