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Gradle Hardening for DevSecOps

Table of contents

  1. Use the latest stable version of Gradle
  2. Disable or restrict Gradle daemon
  3. Configure Gradle to use HTTPS for all repositories
  4. Use secure credentials for accessing repositories
  5. Use plugins and dependencies from trusted sources only
  6. Implement access controls for Gradle builds
  7. Regularly update Gradle and plugins

List of some best practices to harden Gradle for DevSecOps

Use the latest stable version of Gradle

Check the latest version on the official website:, and then install it. For example: wget, unzip, and set the PATH environment variable to the Gradle bin directory.

Disable or restrict Gradle daemon

You can disable the daemon by adding the following line to the file: org.gradle.daemon=false. Alternatively, you can restrict the maximum amount of memory that can be used by the daemon by setting the org.gradle.jvmargs property.

Configure Gradle to use HTTPS for all repositories

Add the following code to the build.gradle file to enforce using HTTPS for all repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        mavenCentral {
            url ""
        maven {
            url ""

Use secure credentials for accessing repositories

Use encrypted credentials in the build.gradle file or environment variables for accessing repositories.

Use plugins and dependencies from trusted sources only

Use plugins and dependencies from official sources, and avoid using those from unknown or untrusted sources.

Implement access controls for Gradle builds

Implement access controls to ensure that only authorized users can execute or modify Gradle builds.

Regularly update Gradle and plugins

Regularly update Gradle and its plugins to ensure that security vulnerabilities are fixed and new features are added. Use the gradle wrapper command to ensure that all team members use the same version of Gradle.