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Graphite Hardening for DevSecOps

Table of contents

  1. Disable debug mode
  2. Set a strong secret key for Django
  3. Enable HTTPS
  4. Restrict access to Graphite web interface
  5. Restrict access to Graphite API
  6. Disable unused Graphite components
  7. Enable authentication for Graphite data ingestion
  8. Enable Graphite logging
  9. Monitor Graphite metrics
  10. Keep Graphite up-to-date

List of some best practices to harden Graphite for DevSecOps

Disable debug mode

sed -i 's/DEBUG = True/DEBUG = False/g' /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/

Set a strong secret key for Django

sed -i "s/SECRET_KEY = 'UNSAFE_DEFAULT'/SECRET_KEY = 'your-strong-secret-key-here'/g" /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/

Enable HTTPS

Install a SSL certificate and configure NGINX to serve Graphite over HTTPS

Restrict access to Graphite web interface

Configure NGINX to require authentication or restrict access to specific IP addresses

Restrict access to Graphite API

Configure NGINX to require authentication or restrict access to specific IP addresses

Disable unused Graphite components

Remove unused Carbon cache backends or Django apps to reduce attack surface

Enable authentication for Graphite data ingestion

Configure Carbon to require authentication for incoming data

Enable Graphite logging

Configure Graphite to log access and error messages for easier troubleshooting

Monitor Graphite metrics

Use a monitoring tool like Prometheus or Nagios to monitor Graphite metrics and detect any anomalies

Keep Graphite up-to-date

Regularly update Graphite and its dependencies to address any known security vulnerabilities