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Docker Hardening for DevSecOps

Table of contents

  1. Enable Docker Content Trust
  2. Restrict communication with Docker daemon to local socket
  3. Enable Docker Swarm Mode
  4. Set up network security for Docker Swarm
  5. Implement resource constraints on Docker containers
  6. Use Docker Secrets to protect sensitive data
  7. Limit access to Docker APIs
  8. Rotate Docker TLS certificates regularly
  9. Use non-root user
  10. Limit container capabilities
  11. Restrict container resources
  12. Enable read-only file system
  13. Set container restart policy
  14. Use TLS/SSL for secure communication
  15. Enable authentication
  16. Limit access to trusted clients
  17. Implement access control policies
  18. Enable content trust (image signing)

List of some best practices to harden Docker for DevSecOps

Enable Docker Content Trust


Restrict communication with Docker daemon to local socket

sudo chmod 660 /var/run/docker.sock
sudo chgrp docker /var/run/docker.sock

Enable Docker Swarm Mode

docker swarm init

Set up network security for Docker Swarm

docker network create –driver overlay my-network

Implement resource constraints on Docker containers

docker run --cpu-quota=50000 --memory=512m my-image

Use Docker Secrets to protect sensitive data

docker secret create my-secret my-secret-data.txt

Limit access to Docker APIs

Use a reverse proxy like NGINX or Apache to limit access to the Docker API endpoint

Rotate Docker TLS certificates regularly

dockerd --tlsverify --tlscacert=ca.pem --tlscert=server-cert.pem --tlskey=server-key.pem -H=

Use non-root user

user: <non-root-user>

Limit container capabilities

cap_drop: [CAP_SYS_ADMIN]

Restrict container resources

	 	 cpus: 0.5
	 	 memory: 512M

Enable read-only file system

read_only: true

Set container restart policy

restart: unless-stopped

Use TLS/SSL for secure communication

docker run -d -p 443:443 --name registry -v /path/to/certs:/certs -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_CERTIFICATE=/certs/domain.crt -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/domain.key registry:latest

Enable authentication

docker run -d -p 443:443 --name registry -v /path/to/auth:/auth -e REGISTRY_AUTH=htpasswd -e "REGISTRY_AUTH_HTPASSWD_REALM=Registry Realm" -e REGISTRY_AUTH_HTPASSWD_PATH=/auth/htpasswd registry:latest

Limit access to trusted clients

docker run -d -p 443:443 --name registry -e REGISTRY_HTTP_SECRET=mysecret registry:latest

Implement access control policies

docker run -d -p 443:443 --name registry -v /path/to/config.yml:/etc/docker/registry/config.yml registry:latest

Enable content trust (image signing)